BIRTH, ART & Culture
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Laura's blog is hosted by All4maternity. It explores the links and interconnections between culture, art and midwifery, providing interdisciplinary perspectives and provocations.
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We live in extreme times – Extinction Rebellion (2019), and many others have declared a climate emergency but is it time to declare a birth emergency too.
Image: Tallulah wears 'Birth is a Feminist issue' t-shirt by the Positive Birth Movement.
Image: Tallulah wears 'Birth is a Feminist issue' t-shirt by the Positive Birth Movement.
Discussions on the use of gender-based language and self-identity within maternity and the wider political landscape.
Image: Elijah W Harris, Trans Man, actor, activist and writer
Image: Elijah W Harris, Trans Man, actor, activist and writer
Laura has written for a variety of publications and blogs including: Midwives Magazine, MIDIRS, The Practising Midwife, Perspectives in Public Health, ARM Journal, Mental Elf and Maternal Mental Health Alliance.
Maternal Journal — How creative journaling can support pregnant women*, new mothers, and those that birth with a history of mild to moderate mental health issues
— Perspectives in Public Health, May 2019
— Perspectives in Public Health, May 2019
‘Straight outta vagina’ — how depictions of violence and abuse towards women’s bodies in Western art, media and culture can be seen to influence and perpetuate the incidence of ‘obstetric violence’ in maternity care
— MIDRIS Midwifery Digest, January 2018
— MIDRIS Midwifery Digest, January 2018